Many people already know that Haiti is a country that is plagued with extreme poverty and uncontrollable population growth. However, I learned that Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere and has been ranked number 146th among 177th countries. From the Haiti's Global Alliance website, it states, "Haiti is marked by dictatorship and violence, plagued by illiteracy, unemployment and shortage of resources, extreme poverty and uncontrolled population growth"(GAEC, 2013). Due to politics and ordeals with their government among other factors, make food insecurity and hunger a very big problem in Haiti. Haiti does not produce enough agriculture and livestock to feed their people. Many Haitians are poor due to low income, low educational levels and limited social capital. The poorest groups of rural people in Haiti are:
• women who are heads of households
• rural workers who depend exclusively on wage employment
• landless farmers (sharecroppers)
• fishers who do not have their own boats
• charcoal producers with no other activity
The idea of so many families and their children living in poverty makes me feel guilty. Here I am complaining about daily things when there are families and children with no food, water, shelter, or clothing to put on their bodies. I learned to be grateful and to count my blessings. In addition, I learned that their poverty is very similar to our poverty here in America. Poverty stricken people here may not be without clothing. However, many do suffer from having no food, water or shelter. Poverty here is a result of weakened government, low income and high unemployment rates. I am glad that there are Global Alliance programs in place to help those in need. They cant reach everyone but just making small changes really does help.

Children in Line to eat at a Soup Kitchen
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